Share a Photo of your Dog
Do you have a picture of your dog at Valley Forge National Historic Park you want to share? If we use your photo, we’re happy to also link to your blog / Instagram / Social media profile / etc.
A couple rules for photos:
- If your photo is at a park that requires a leash, your dog must have a leash on in the photo.
- By submitting your photo, you grant us non-exclusive rights to show your photo on our site. (Sorry, we can’t pay for photos.)
- We’ll only use your photo on our site for purposes of showing information about the park. If we ever want to use the photo for other marketing purposes/etc., we’ll contact you to talk about it.
Click the button below to start an email to use, and provide us:
- A link to your photo, or attach your photo to the email
- Any caption to the image (e.g., "[Your Dog’s Name] at Valley Forge National Historic Park")
- A link to your blog or social media if you want us to link to you
Thank you for any photos you send us!